Meeting Time

Beginning May 5th, 2012, We will be meeting once a week on Saturday from 4:30 to 6:30 PM

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jesus and the Rule of Law

Jesus and the Rule of Law

What do you think about the new rules, laws and statutes that are coming out in various states [Pennsylvania, New York, etc.] concerning charity, feeding the homeless, or giving food away to those in need? Or having a lemonade stand, buying giant soft drinks, or hosting a bake sale? How will you respond?  Do you embrace rules or flout rules? Do you decide whether or not you will obey rules; or do you believe every law is a mandate for obedience?  Can our faith affect our views, decisions and actions to the point of disobeying?

Jesus was without sin and he kept all the law, yet the Pharisees and Sadduccees were very irate with Jesus and felt that he broke their laws and disregarded their rule of law. He healed on the Sabbath!! That was a very important Jewish law - just one of over 600 laws of the Talmud. He forgave blatant sinners and joined them for dinner... not something we think is sooo dangerous, today, yet the religious and political establishment were furious.

Join us for our discussions about how Jesus treated people. After all, that's what rules, manners, laws are all about: how to treat people!  We are currently meeting every Saturday afternoon: 4:30-6:30 pm.

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