Meeting Time

Beginning May 5th, 2012, We will be meeting once a week on Saturday from 4:30 to 6:30 PM

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Relationships: The Epitome of Free Enterprise


"One of the many differences between religion and true spirituality is the heart. Everything we do should be done from a heart of faith and love. If it is not done from the heart it is usually behavior that is driven to gratify our own senses! As such, our very pursuit of loving relations becomes an exercise in indulgence and self-gratification. That would be enough to wear down the best marriage, but it doesn't stop there. One of the meanest rules of religion is obligation!
     Religion tells you to obey God's Word because you are obligated. When obligation is your motivation corruption is sure to follow. Obedience that emerges from trust in a loving God and trust in the reality that God wants us to have the best leads to a fulfilled life. Obedience that comes from obligation gives birth to dead legalism!
     You may not know this, but the divorce rate is slightly higher among Christians than non-Christians. While there may be many things that play a part in this sad statistic I believe the concept of obligation is a contributing factor. Christians have tendency when there is trouble in the marriage to do one of two things. It seems the first attitude that emerges under pressure is, "You can't leave me; we're Christians." I can't begin to tell you how many times I met with this attitude. Suffice it to say, no one solves relationship conflicts because they are obligated.
     This is why so many believers backslide when their marriage begins to fall apart. They feel that if they stay connected to God He will force them to stay in a bad marriage. They feel trapped and desperate. I'll be sharing how I have helped many couples free themselves from this trap. You'll also discover how I have helped many divorcees gain freedom from guilt and move on with a productive marriage and ministry.
     Relationships are the epitome of free enterprise. In the free enterprise system if you don't provide quality service for your customers they go somewhere else. I am not saying that we should look at our mate and say, "If you don't make me happy I'll find someone who will." But I am saying we should all look at our mate and say, "If I don't do my part to make him/her feel precious and loved someone else will!" In other words, I am going to keep my mate the same way I got her; I'm going to court her for life. I will never develop an attitude that says I'll keep her through obligation. I don't know about you, but my strategy is, "I am going to treat you so well there's no way that you won't wake up every day madly in love with me!" Of course, this is just scratching the surface.” 
Excerpt from Dr. Jim Richards, IMPACT Ministries ‘World Changers’ monthly message – July 2012
[Italics, underlines and bold are mine...]

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What is written in the Law? How do you read it?

 "What is written in the law? How do you read it?"

Last week we discussed "How Jesus Interacted with Government" and it was fascinating!  I did not realize how many scriptures there were that detailed his interaction with governmental authorities.  Some of the areas we discussed were: Jesus and the denari - Mark 12:13-17; Jesus and Herod Antipas - Luke 13:31-32; and Jesus with Pontius Pilate, Roman Governor - John 19:10-11.  Seeing and discussing a "traditional view" and an "alternative view" of each passage was very fascinating.

One key we established over and over was: Jesus' purpose and timing for coming to earth was more important to him than governmental authority.  Jesus was always cognitive of his purpose [John 12:30-33].  We just touched on the story of the temple tax and the fish with a shekel in it's mouth...yikes, LOTS there!  We didn't have time to discuss Matthew 10:16-18 and Mark 8:15 either.

This Saturday, July 7th we will be finishing this discussion with a look at Roman's 13 via a Traditional viewpoint and an Alternative interpretation. [Remember Jesus' question to the lawyer in Luke 10:26? See title above]   
Homework = read Roman's 13.  Some questions to ponder: What does Roman's 13 say to you?  Does your view/interpretation line up with the rest of scripture?  
  • Please join us Saturday, July 7th, 4:30pm @ Chuck and Mimi's house.  Call or email for directions. Email address is on the website.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Life without a Cell Phone Camera

Life without a Cell Phone Camera

As I have been filtering what I am reading, hearing and living thru the Gospels picture of how Jesus treated people, I was reminded yesterday about "fear".

An exceptional quality, subtly displayed through the gospels, is the accessibility of Jesus to: rich and poor; young and old; important or common; wise or foolish; sick or healthy; sinner or saint; friend or stranger.  He was not intimidating!  He did not inspire or incite fear in people - of all types and stripes.  This is a big key in the 'New Covenant/Old Covenant puzzle.  He even said "If you've seen me you've seen the Father." (John 14:9)  That seems to be a very purposeful portrait...for people without a cell phone camera, and especially for us today.

The Old Testament seemed to emphasize "fearing the Lord" but Jesus deliberately deleted the word 'fear' when He quoted Deuteronomy 6:13 and 10:20 in Matthew 4:10.  He replaced 'fear' with worship.  He emphasized "peace" up to his very last words on earth.  Fear and peace just don't mix.  They are impossible to hold in the heart together.

The Gospel of Peace, God's "Good News", rejects fear as being viable for a Peaceful, Abundant Life.  Are you comfortable with that picture of God?  Romans 2:4 says, "It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance." 
What a fun study this has been! Join us on Saturday afternoons, 4:30, at the Young's house for fun, fellowship and discussions that affect how we live.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jesus and the Rule of Law

Jesus and the Rule of Law

What do you think about the new rules, laws and statutes that are coming out in various states [Pennsylvania, New York, etc.] concerning charity, feeding the homeless, or giving food away to those in need? Or having a lemonade stand, buying giant soft drinks, or hosting a bake sale? How will you respond?  Do you embrace rules or flout rules? Do you decide whether or not you will obey rules; or do you believe every law is a mandate for obedience?  Can our faith affect our views, decisions and actions to the point of disobeying?

Jesus was without sin and he kept all the law, yet the Pharisees and Sadduccees were very irate with Jesus and felt that he broke their laws and disregarded their rule of law. He healed on the Sabbath!! That was a very important Jewish law - just one of over 600 laws of the Talmud. He forgave blatant sinners and joined them for dinner... not something we think is sooo dangerous, today, yet the religious and political establishment were furious.

Join us for our discussions about how Jesus treated people. After all, that's what rules, manners, laws are all about: how to treat people!  We are currently meeting every Saturday afternoon: 4:30-6:30 pm.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

How Jesus Treated Sinners, Continued

How Jesus Treated Sinners...Continued

Based on our discussion last week, this appears to be a very relevant subject!  We only managed to discuss one out of the three scenarios we had planned..."the Samaritan woman at the well" and we had lots of discussion!  So today we will be discussing "the woman who anointed Jesus' feet"I will attempt to post the lesson from last week here.  "Attempt" is the operative word.  
Blessings on you all - Chuck & Mimi
"Christ in you, the hope (expectation of good) 
of glory" (God's view and opinion...of YOU)  Colossians 1:27

Jesus and the Woman at the Well
John 4:1-43

In the first century, in Jewish culture [and many other cultures-if not all] women were usually treated as second class citizens with few of the rights men had.  Jesus crossed those barriers.  Jesus treated all people with equal respect.  [As a non-Jew, Luke possibly was more sensitive to other “outsiders” and he records five events involving women that are not mentioned in the other Gospels.]
BACKGROUND:  Read John 4:1-6
The story of the Samaritan woman meeting Jesus, around noon, at a well, which Jacob had given1 his son Joseph, is only recorded in the Gospel of John.  Jesus’ choice to take a shortcut to Galilee through Samaria3 reveals a mindset very different from his Jewish culture.  Samaritans were a hated “mixed” race of Jews4 who had intermarried with the Assyrians when the northern kingdom of Israel had been captured.  The pure Jews felt the Samaritans had betrayed their people and the nation. [Bridge Over River Kwai -principle vs. expediency?] The Samaritans had set up an alternate center for worship on Mt Gerizim5 to parallel the temple at Jerusalem, but it had been destroyed 150 years earlier.  5[Mt. Gerizim: Joshua after crossing Jordan separated the people at the foot of two mountains: Gerizim “Mt. of Blessing” and Ebal-“Mt of Cursing” ... revealing keepers of law & breakers of law.]
Note: Why did Jesus leave Judea? [We will revisit with “how Jesus treated the Religious.”] 
RELEVANCE for TODAY: Read John 4:7-9
Meeting a 6Samaritan 7woman no less, and a8known sinner 9in a public place…what was Jesus thinking?  No respectable Jewish man would talk to such a woman under such circumstances. 
What are our parallels today? __________

UP CLOSE & PERSONAL:   Read John 4:10-26
  • Discuss  “Living water” – God is called Fountain of Life Psalm 36:9 and the Spring of Living Water Jer.17:13.
  •   Jesus was revealing his identity as Messiah in a gentle way.  How can we be gentle?__________
  •   Comparing spiritual functions with physical functions make concepts natural.  How can we use this technique?__________
  •   It takes time to understand something that changes the very foundations of your life. Jesus allowed the woman time to _ask_  _questions_ and to put the pieces_ together for herself. What does this require from us?__________
  •   When the woman discovered that Jesus knew all about her private life she _changed the  subject.  Why do you think?__________
  •   What did Jesus do?  Location vs. attitude.  Jesus brought things back to the heart – _her  deepest   need. How can we do this?_______________
IMPACT of PEER PRESSURE: Read John 4:27-34
  •   Surprise … how do you react when surprised?_________
  •   What was the “food” Jesus was referring to? _More than Bible study, prayer, and attending church, spiritual nourishment also comes from following God’s leading, helping to bring his work of salvation  to completion. 
  •  Nourishment comes by food we take in and also by what we give out!  Science has proven this also. What does this mean to you?_______
SHARING THE GOOD NEWS:  Read John 4:35-43 
  •    Do we still “finish God’s work”? [John 17:4] _________
  •   How do we participate in Jesus’ work?__________
  •  What are some of the pitfalls we face in sharing the Good News ‘wherever’? ______
 Sooooo much more here to discuss!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

How Did Jesus Treat People?

Talking "theology" is so much more comfortable than talking about reality and our day-to-day character. Does our theology translate into our thoughts and actions and become relevant?

We started out discussing how Jesus treated sinners, and we had a lot of fun looking at Zachaeus and the Rich Young Ruler.  This week we will be exploring the lives of three famous women in the New Testament: the woman who washed his feet with her hair, the woman caught in adultery, and the Samaritan woman he met at the well.  Bring your favorite translation as we look for principles, clues and characteristics of how Christ handled the challenges of people and relationships.  Exploring the parallels in our own lives has helped these "stories" come to life.

Next week, June 9th we will begin examining how Jesus treated the "religious".  Hmm?   And then we'll discuss how Jesus related to believers, friends and his closest confidants. 

PS - IF you share the website address with anyone, remind them that they can:
1.) click on the section "Messages"/Blog and 
2.) enter their email address
3.) click "Submit" and they will receive the most recent posts and updates of what's happening at Grace and Righteousness Ministries. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What Price? Freedom & Liberty

With the passing of Memorial Day, "Summer" is officially here and the increase of election "persuasion" is also evident.  Every election truly seems very important and November 2012 will be no different.  The stakes are high! I am posting this persuasive video done by the Catholic church so we can access it or share it with any of our friends who may be unaware of the religious liberties that are also at risk in America today.


Friday, May 25, 2012

The Names of God

The Names of God

The Last Saturday of the Month

Upon finishing the book study Grace: The Power to Change by Dr. J. Richards, our Grace and Righteousness meetings are planning to use the last Saturday meeting of each month as a time of worship, study and prayer around the Names of God.  So often we get into a rut, praying "in the name of Jesus, Amen", forgetting the immense detail and depth of information God has revealed about himself through his names.

We will begin this Saturday with one of the most intimate names God has given us to call him: Father! What depth of emotion, intimacy and joy comes with beginning to understand what "Father" means to God. Praying "in my Father's name" and "in my Abba-Papa-Daddy's name " is such a privilege.

Knowing what that name means to God, and praying within the same context is one of the purest forms of true worship - worshiping in Spirit and in Truth. We can only scratch the surface of the depth of this Name, but we will delight ourselves in His Fathering of us, in the hopes of knowing and experiencing God better, more, deeper, and sweeter. Come taste and see that the FATHER is good!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Critical Factors for a Wonderful Life

Remember - to have a Wonderful Life, get the critical factors right and everything else falls into place. So here we go:

1. God is love.

2. The heart of the Gospel is love.

3. Love is a product of the spiritual health of our heart.

4. Loving one another is the evidence that we are experiencing God.

5. There is no greater way to gauge and evaluate the condition of our heart than by our ability to give and receive love.

6. Love is manifest through our willingness and capacity to develop ourselves for meaningful relationships.

7. All of life's boundaries are a product of the beliefs of our heart; therefore, the more I give myself to the love of God and the love of people, the more I harmonize myself with the nature of God.

8. The more I harmonize with the nature of God, the more I can function in my God-like nature, ...

9. which means the more I move past the boundaries to a wonderful life!   
excerpt from Dr Jim Richards May Newsletter, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Love Me, Love My Word

~ inspirations and excitations for eating His words, sweeter than honey - The Word of Life ~

Psalm 119 is a wonderful Psalm, the longest, praising God’s Word. In making mention of the great value of His Word in every avenue of life,  it shows how His Word blesses all our ‘seasons’ and resolves the issues of our lives!  When we know His words, precepts, laws, principles, commands, statutes, decrees, truths, promises and discernments-- peace and blessing and wisdom and delight are ours, and MUCH MORE!!!!      
See for yourself what He says comes of studying, knowing, eating, meditating and basking in His Word.  Don’t miss another day, while traveling the great sea of life, without all the comforts and amenities of His cruise ship: The Word of God!    [Advertisement paid for by the Holy Spirit, Jesus the Christ, and Abba Father God: the Creator of The Word & Abundant Life.]

  • Read Luke 4:33-35, and Luke 4:38-39 & 4:41 [rebuked]. How did Jesus really pray? Why don’t we copy him? Why don’t we use the Word to learn how to pray? 
  • “Everything that is God’s is mine, and everything that is mine is God’s.” What does this mean to you? 
  • Rev 19:13   And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called:
  • Read John 6:45-68 especially v63 and v68. 
  • Theomatics, by Jerry Lucas & Del Washburn - pages 26-28 and chapter 4 “The 153 Fishes in the Net”
  • Isaiah 54:11-12; Revelation 21:18-21 [see footnote in NIV study bible]; Exodus 24:9-10. 
  • Worksheet: Our True Identity in Christ – taken from NIV study Bible, Eph. 2 chart.  Why do I need to read or study the bible?  The truth about righteousness, the law, sanctification, etc., was there all along but we depended on tradition, word of mouth, pastors and teachers to dig it out for us, to feed us, to explain the meanings to us, and to give us the application! We have no one to blame but ourselves. How can you change this habit? 
  • What does this proverb mean to you? “Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing you desire can compare with her.” Pro. 8:10
  • Much of our former Christian lives we were “living on “milk”, as an infant, not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.”  Read Heb. 5:12-6:5.  How did you make the righteousness teaching your own? 
  • Read Matthew 25:1-13.  This was one of the last parables Christ told before his death. How does this apply to reading the Word?
  • We know God is constantly speaking to us.  How do we become more aware?  
  • Name three things you have sensed or “heard” that you haven’t heeded [yet]. 
  • Read analogy from Disciplines of a Beautiful Woman re: “jumping a horse” by Annie Ortlund. Pg. 121-122.  What was her equivalent of spurs, knees and hands? 
  • What is, or can be your “spurs, knees and hands”?
May you delight yourself in the Lord and meet with Him in your beautiful, secret place. Sharing the joys and treasures of a deep intimate friendship every day of your life is such a rich inheritance.  Listening and talking with Someone who loves you so purely and deeply is such a huge perk and bonus in the scramble of daily life. Don’t miss one of the best provisions of God’s New and Last Will & Testament for your life – RELATIONSHIP of the truest kind! Read His love letters and feed your heart and soul every day.

Palm Sunday: who, where, why, what, when and other sundry facts…

450-500 years before Christ, a prophecy was made in the book of Zechariah, chapter 9:9 concerning this “day” and the activities that caused it to be called ‘Palm’ Sunday.  Christ was standing on the place called The Mount of Olives when he sent his disciples into a nearby village for an ass and her young colt.  Zechariah 14:4 also has the LORD standing there again in the ‘Day of the LORD’.

Zec. 9:9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, [righteous] and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass. 

Song - Zep. 3:14  
Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad
Sing, O daughter of Zion; and rejoice with all thine heart,
O daughter of Jerusalem.
For the LORD hath taken away thy judgments,
He hath cast out thine enemy:
The king of Israel, even the LORD,
is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.

Song – Zep. 3:17  
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; is mighty;
He will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; with joy;
He will rest in his love,
He will joy over thee with singing.
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; is mighty; is mighty.

The ‘first mention’ of an ass is Genesis 22:3 when Abraham saddles an ass and takes wood and his son to Mt. Moriah, to be sacrificed. The spot is where the Temple would be built in what would become Jerusalem.  The Temple was where Jesus was headed on the morning that he sat on the young colt of the ass mentioned in Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19 and John 12.

But why did the people begin to throw down their clothes and wave palm branches and shout? Jesus had no economic, military or political power.

  1. 2 Kings 9:12-13 [laid down their garments for ‘king’]
  2. Daniel 9:2 & 24-27 [Daniels vision of seventy sevens]
  3. Leviticus 23:40, Neh. 8:15-16,  [palm branches and tree boughs]
  4. Mat 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.  And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.  And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.  And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.  And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you? They say unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened. So Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him. 
  5. It was just after this event that Christ was heading for Jerusalem.  So the formerly blind followers brought the testimony and probably the chant – fulfilling both Zephaniah and Zechariah’s prophecy.  Mat. 21:8-9 And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way.  And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. 
  6. Psalm 118:26 & Psalm 148:1 [each Gospel has a slightly different saying]
  7. Jesus began questioning the Pharisees regarding these sayings: See Matthew 23:41-46.

Some other interesting scriptures concerning “an ass” [72 verses in the OT] include Genesis 49:11 and Isaiah 63:2 are very similar scriptures and difficult to understand.

 In 1 Samuel chapter 9 - 10:1-3, it is interesting that the whole “caper” around Saul being crowned the first King of Israel centered on him finding his father’s lost asses. 9:3 “And the asses of Kish Saul’s father were lost.”

See the end of the story in 1 Sam. 10:3. “…one carrying 3 kids, and another carrying 3 loaves of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine.”  In 1 Sam. 16:20 when David is bringing food from his father to King Saul: “And Jesse took an ass laden with bread and a bottle of wine and a kid and sent them by David his son unto Saul.”

Exodus 13:13 And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: and all the firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou redeem.   Also see Numbers 22 regarding Balaam and his ass speaking!

Entering a city on a horse symbolizes war and a conquering power. Entering the city on a donkey, Christ symbolized gentleness, Peace, and revealed no pressure, power or might other than love! Christ had read, knew what he was walking into:

Isa 50:6-10  I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting. For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.  He is near that justifies me; who will contend with me? Let us stand together: who is mine adversary? Let him come near to me.  Behold, the Lord GOD will help me; who is he that shall condemn me? Lo, they all shall wax old as a garment; the moth shall eat them up.  Who is among you that fears the LORD, that obeys the voice of his servant, that walks in darkness, and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD, and stay upon his God. 

May you joy and rejoice in knowing how steadfast and confident Christ was as he entered Jerusalem on that young donkey, moving into the final battle of your Redemption, Restoration, Peace and Righteousness: loving you with all his heart, mind, will, soul and strength…to the very end!   And we KNOW our end is only the true beginning.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Meet Me at the Beach... In Galilee!


“Now, let me ask you something profound yet troubling. If you became believers because you trusted the proclamation that Christ is alive, risen from the dead, how can you let people say that there is no such thing as a resurrection? If there’s no resurrection, there’s no living Christ. And face it—if there’s no resurrection for Christ, everything we’ve told you is smoke and mirrors, and everything you’ve staked your life on is smoke and mirrors.  Not only that, but we would be guilty of telling a string of barefaced lies about God, all these affidavits we passed on to you verifying that God raised up Christ—sheer fabrications, if there’s no resurrection. If corpses can’t be raised, then Christ wasn’t, because he was indeed dead. And if Christ wasn’t raised, then all you’re doing is wandering about in the dark, as lost as ever.”   I Corinthians 15:12-17   The Message
A) The linen wrappings are empty…but not unraveled! The tomb is empty…but required an earthquake to remove the stone ‘door’ and reveal the emptiness. Christ is ‘gone’ but no one claims they moved him.  The four Gospels, plus the entire New Testament and prophecies of the Old Testament declare the bodily resurrection of Jesus.  Everything about the new covenant hinges on the resurrection being believed!

B) The 11 disciples were in a huge panic and were desperately afraid of the Jews coming after them.  They had no confidence, much fear and no goal, purpose or idea of what to do next other than to survive and get out of Jerusalem alive.

C) John 20 & 21 reveals many details that the other Gospels didn’t reveal.  Apparently Mary and some other women arrived first to the tomb to discover that the stone had been removed: ”taken out of the groove and lying flat on the ground.” She runs to Simon Peter and the other disciple, for whom Jesus had affection, and tells them the Lord is gone and doesn’t know where “they” [meaning the Jews] have taken him.  Then Peter and John started for the tomb [walking] and meet the other women who came with the angels’ message and then they begin running! John beats Peter to the tomb…and looks inside.

D) What John sees from the entrance is enough to stop him…the linen bands lying wholly undisturbed in their proper place with the body of Jesus Christ gone out of them! Peter arrives and walks right in.  [Some believe Peter’s slow run was due to his guilt, but the fact that he walks right in when he arrives negates that idea.] Peter beholds the same thing, including the face cloth…apart and folded up in a place by itself. Neither had been cut or stripped off.  This detail reveals to the two that it was not someone who moved the body.

E) John according to John 20:6 “went in also, ….and he saw and believed.” John was not any different from Thomas. He believed, after he saw, but his faith was weak. He didn’t open his mouth to Peter and said nothing to the others after he reached home.  None of the eleven believed the testimony of the women and Mary Magdalene.  John failed to speak and confess.  His faith could not rise above his doubts; he was only one step removed from unbelief. John explains in 20:9 why he had to see before he believed: “For not yet knew they the Scriptures that he must rise from the dead.”

F) Peter according to Luke 24:12 “went home, wondering at what has occurred.” The disciples followed their own thoughts, [view or perspective as lined up with their beliefs] even when Jesus spoke plainly to them … many times!  See Luke 18:31-34.

G) This reveals the “minor value” of signs!  They are only steppingstones to faith.  The real basis of faith is “the Scripture,” the revealed and inspired word of God.  Even the appearances of Jesus to the disciples are to convince them, not by their mere reality alone, but as fulfillment of the Scriptures.   Lenski

 H) These scriptures include Ps 16:10, Ps 2:7, Ps 110:1 & 4.  In Luke 24:44 we see that Jesus used “the law of Moses”, the prophets, and the Psalms.  John says here what Jesus told the Sadducees in Matthew 22:29 “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.”

I) What God promises he is morally bound to fulfill!! In Rom. 1:4; Eph. 1:19-20; Phil.3:10 this power is further emphasized. Beside the moral necessity, we place the power of God and the necessity of God’s own will which carries His purpose into effect so that no question about it can possibly arise. Lenski

J) The evidence left in the tomb was so great that John had a certain degree of faith, but verse 20:10 reveals that they “went away again to their own home.”  Verses 11-18 discuss Jesus and his appearance to Mary Magdalene. [“The Shepherd calleth his sheep by name…” “Mary!” brought instant recognition]

K) To Mary, Jesus gives a higher message than he gave to the women whom he met on their return from the tomb.  They were to announce the meeting of Jesus with the disciples in Galilee, she is to tell the disciples of the Father, the glorified Master ascending on high, and of all the disciples lifted to his side as brethren. Prior to his resurrection Jesus had called his disciples ‘friends’.  20:17:  “But be going to my brethren and tell them…” reveals a new, higher and permanent relation now begins.

“If now Christ is our brother, I would like to know what we still lack? Brethren in the flesh have common possessions, have together one father, one inheritance, otherwise they would not be brethren; so we have common possessions with Christ and have together one Father and one inheritance, which does not grow less when divided, but whoever has one part of the spiritual inheritance has it all.” Martin Luther
Much was revealed on the morning, day and evening of Christ’s resurrection:

  1. Mary Magdalene and friends visited tomb and found stone removed!  
  2. Mary turned and hurried back to tell the disciples.
  3. other women enter tomb and see angels & receive message “Go to Galilee” [Mat.27:7]                                                                    
  4. Peter & John start for tomb, John runs ahead; sees linen wholly undisturbed &                         face cloth folded and set apart. [Joh. 20:7]
  5. Peter arrives and enters and then returns home-unbelieving. [Joh 20:10]  
  6. Mary Magdalene stays at the tomb [v11]
  7. She enters tomb and sees two angels at head and foot of stone where Jesus was laid. They ask “why are you crying?” [v 12]
  8. next sees Jesus himself; “Why are you crying?” [v 15]
  9. She thinks he’s the gardener as she looks at him.
  10. Jesus calls her name: “Mary!” and she know him instantly- “Rabbuni” [v16]
  11. Jesus tells her “Go tell my brethren…” [v17 and Mat 28:10]
  12. two disciples going to Emmaus and Christ, [Luke 24:15] 
  13. Christ: “beginning at Moses and all the prophets …& all the scriptures the things concerning himself.” [“And has appeared to Simon.” Luke 24:34]  
  14. But still this did not produce faith among the disciples! [Luke 24:11 and 22] 
  15. While they were telling this story, Christ stood in the midst of them -1st Time- and said “Peace be unto you” but they were terrified and affrighted. See Luke 24:34-41. [The appearance and the preposition imply no motion.  He didn’t walk through the walls.] He revealed himself to 10 of the disciples and “he showed his hands and his side to them.  The disciples therefore were glad because they saw the Lord.”  
  16. Jesus appearing to Peter is mentioned 2x’s, but never discussed. See also I Cor. 15:5
  17. Eight days later -2nd Time- Thomas examines w/ eyes & hands. Believes! [John 20:24-29] Why was he absent the first time?  
“Apparently it was because of his obstinate refusal to believe.”  The ‘other disciples’ kept laboring to convince Thomas…beginning to act as Jesus’ witnesses, beginning the work of evangelizing and making the start with the unbeliever in their midst. “We have seen the Lord.” The tense used conveys more than the ‘fact’; it communicates the fact and the sight is a present and continuing effect.The disciples had to be convinced of Christ’s  identity, which the wounds established; of the reality of his body, which was proved when they handled his body and he ate before them; and the Peace he proclaimed was a ‘forgiving’ of them fleeing when Christ was betrayed. They had given up their faith.  Not all doubt was quickly overcome and Jesus appeared again and again, intensifying faith and joy until nothing could ever disturb the solid certainty." Lenski

Unbelief always was and always will be unreasonable and is glaringly plain in the case of Thomas. The unanimous testimony by people whose character he knew so well amounted to nothing. The fact that they had all been just as ignorant and surprised about Jesus’ resurrection and then been convinced by overwhelming evidence causes Thomas to become more stubborn and obstinate.  He challenges the evidence…”they have only seen – seeing doesn’t count”.  He demands two lines of evidence: seeing and feeling with his own finger and his own hand, in two different places. He demands what he thinks is a real test; what the other disciples claim to have is not nearly enough for him.

Here the silliness of unbelief comes into view. If sight can be deceived, which takes in so much, what assurance has Thomas that feeling, which takes in far less, will not also be deceived? Here is the pride, haughtiness and arrogance of unbelief: it sets up a criterion of its own. The unbeliever makes himself a superior person, looking down on believers as credulous fools who cannot be trusted. The wisdom of the unbeliever exceeds that of all other men. But all this action of unbelief reveals that, while it pretends to obey reason and genuine intelligence alone, it does nothing of the kind.  It is actuated by an unreasoning and unreasonable will, a secret, stubborn determination, unacknowledged by the unbeliever himself, not to believe.  Lenski
      Verse 26 says that the doors are locked again, ‘outer and inner’, implying the same place and a continued fear of the Jews, and shows that the courage of the disciples didn’t grow so rapidly.  They probably were not expecting another appearance of Jesus.  It is for Thomas’ sake Jesus has come, but it’s for all to see and hear.  Jesus three statements correspond to the exact three demands Thomas had made in verse 25.  This alone is a testimony!  Our wonderful Jesus meets the outrageous demands of this disciple to the letter.

       He is offering to all these disciples “many infallible proofs” of his resurrection [Acts 1:3] as the foundation for the faith of the church of all future ages.  They were made witnesses [Acts 2:32; 3:15] whose testimony was to stand as unassailable in all future ages.  Jesus knew that Thomas would have many successors in all ages and if “one of the Twelve” had been left with any degree of doubt as regards the resurrection of Jesus, the effect would be bad for all time to come!

By compelling Thomas to use his finger and hand, Jesus is not punishing him.  He had done the same thing for the other disciples a week earlier. I John 1:1 says: “and our hands have handled of the Word of life.” Thomas gave Christ full acceptance of his Lordship and resurrection, and Christ accepts it when he says “thou hast believed”.

18. The 3rd appearance of Jesus to seven of the disciples is recorded as an addendum of John’s Gospel in chapter 21. “Meet me at the beach…at the sea of Tiberius.” [sea of Galilee]  Remember the first time Jesus told Simon to row out and throw out his net after an all night “zero” catch? [Luke 5:6]
19. John recognizes Jesus on shore and tells Peter
20. Jesus is cooking them breakfast: live coals, fish and bread! [Joh. 21]
21. I John 1:1; Rom. 4:24-25; Rom. 10:9; He’s Alive and I’m Forgiven!