Meeting Time

Beginning May 5th, 2012, We will be meeting once a week on Saturday from 4:30 to 6:30 PM

Friday, June 29, 2012

Life without a Cell Phone Camera

Life without a Cell Phone Camera

As I have been filtering what I am reading, hearing and living thru the Gospels picture of how Jesus treated people, I was reminded yesterday about "fear".

An exceptional quality, subtly displayed through the gospels, is the accessibility of Jesus to: rich and poor; young and old; important or common; wise or foolish; sick or healthy; sinner or saint; friend or stranger.  He was not intimidating!  He did not inspire or incite fear in people - of all types and stripes.  This is a big key in the 'New Covenant/Old Covenant puzzle.  He even said "If you've seen me you've seen the Father." (John 14:9)  That seems to be a very purposeful portrait...for people without a cell phone camera, and especially for us today.

The Old Testament seemed to emphasize "fearing the Lord" but Jesus deliberately deleted the word 'fear' when He quoted Deuteronomy 6:13 and 10:20 in Matthew 4:10.  He replaced 'fear' with worship.  He emphasized "peace" up to his very last words on earth.  Fear and peace just don't mix.  They are impossible to hold in the heart together.

The Gospel of Peace, God's "Good News", rejects fear as being viable for a Peaceful, Abundant Life.  Are you comfortable with that picture of God?  Romans 2:4 says, "It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance." 
What a fun study this has been! Join us on Saturday afternoons, 4:30, at the Young's house for fun, fellowship and discussions that affect how we live.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jesus and the Rule of Law

Jesus and the Rule of Law

What do you think about the new rules, laws and statutes that are coming out in various states [Pennsylvania, New York, etc.] concerning charity, feeding the homeless, or giving food away to those in need? Or having a lemonade stand, buying giant soft drinks, or hosting a bake sale? How will you respond?  Do you embrace rules or flout rules? Do you decide whether or not you will obey rules; or do you believe every law is a mandate for obedience?  Can our faith affect our views, decisions and actions to the point of disobeying?

Jesus was without sin and he kept all the law, yet the Pharisees and Sadduccees were very irate with Jesus and felt that he broke their laws and disregarded their rule of law. He healed on the Sabbath!! That was a very important Jewish law - just one of over 600 laws of the Talmud. He forgave blatant sinners and joined them for dinner... not something we think is sooo dangerous, today, yet the religious and political establishment were furious.

Join us for our discussions about how Jesus treated people. After all, that's what rules, manners, laws are all about: how to treat people!  We are currently meeting every Saturday afternoon: 4:30-6:30 pm.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

How Jesus Treated Sinners, Continued

How Jesus Treated Sinners...Continued

Based on our discussion last week, this appears to be a very relevant subject!  We only managed to discuss one out of the three scenarios we had planned..."the Samaritan woman at the well" and we had lots of discussion!  So today we will be discussing "the woman who anointed Jesus' feet"I will attempt to post the lesson from last week here.  "Attempt" is the operative word.  
Blessings on you all - Chuck & Mimi
"Christ in you, the hope (expectation of good) 
of glory" (God's view and opinion...of YOU)  Colossians 1:27

Jesus and the Woman at the Well
John 4:1-43

In the first century, in Jewish culture [and many other cultures-if not all] women were usually treated as second class citizens with few of the rights men had.  Jesus crossed those barriers.  Jesus treated all people with equal respect.  [As a non-Jew, Luke possibly was more sensitive to other “outsiders” and he records five events involving women that are not mentioned in the other Gospels.]
BACKGROUND:  Read John 4:1-6
The story of the Samaritan woman meeting Jesus, around noon, at a well, which Jacob had given1 his son Joseph, is only recorded in the Gospel of John.  Jesus’ choice to take a shortcut to Galilee through Samaria3 reveals a mindset very different from his Jewish culture.  Samaritans were a hated “mixed” race of Jews4 who had intermarried with the Assyrians when the northern kingdom of Israel had been captured.  The pure Jews felt the Samaritans had betrayed their people and the nation. [Bridge Over River Kwai -principle vs. expediency?] The Samaritans had set up an alternate center for worship on Mt Gerizim5 to parallel the temple at Jerusalem, but it had been destroyed 150 years earlier.  5[Mt. Gerizim: Joshua after crossing Jordan separated the people at the foot of two mountains: Gerizim “Mt. of Blessing” and Ebal-“Mt of Cursing” ... revealing keepers of law & breakers of law.]
Note: Why did Jesus leave Judea? [We will revisit with “how Jesus treated the Religious.”] 
RELEVANCE for TODAY: Read John 4:7-9
Meeting a 6Samaritan 7woman no less, and a8known sinner 9in a public place…what was Jesus thinking?  No respectable Jewish man would talk to such a woman under such circumstances. 
What are our parallels today? __________

UP CLOSE & PERSONAL:   Read John 4:10-26
  • Discuss  “Living water” – God is called Fountain of Life Psalm 36:9 and the Spring of Living Water Jer.17:13.
  •   Jesus was revealing his identity as Messiah in a gentle way.  How can we be gentle?__________
  •   Comparing spiritual functions with physical functions make concepts natural.  How can we use this technique?__________
  •   It takes time to understand something that changes the very foundations of your life. Jesus allowed the woman time to _ask_  _questions_ and to put the pieces_ together for herself. What does this require from us?__________
  •   When the woman discovered that Jesus knew all about her private life she _changed the  subject.  Why do you think?__________
  •   What did Jesus do?  Location vs. attitude.  Jesus brought things back to the heart – _her  deepest   need. How can we do this?_______________
IMPACT of PEER PRESSURE: Read John 4:27-34
  •   Surprise … how do you react when surprised?_________
  •   What was the “food” Jesus was referring to? _More than Bible study, prayer, and attending church, spiritual nourishment also comes from following God’s leading, helping to bring his work of salvation  to completion. 
  •  Nourishment comes by food we take in and also by what we give out!  Science has proven this also. What does this mean to you?_______
SHARING THE GOOD NEWS:  Read John 4:35-43 
  •    Do we still “finish God’s work”? [John 17:4] _________
  •   How do we participate in Jesus’ work?__________
  •  What are some of the pitfalls we face in sharing the Good News ‘wherever’? ______
 Sooooo much more here to discuss!!!